Office | Room B421, School of Cyber Science and Engineering | |
Qian Wang (Fellow, IEEE) is currently a Professor with the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Wuhan University, China. He has published more than 200 papers, with more than 120 publications in top-tier international conferences, including USENIX NSDI, IEEE S\&P, ACM CCS, USENIX Security, NDSS, ACM MobiCom, ICML, with more than 20000 Google Scholar citations. He was selected into the National High-level Young Talents Program of China and listed among the World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University. He is a member of the ACM. He also received the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars of China in 2018. He has long been engaged in the research of cyberspace security, with a focus on AI security, data outsourcing security and privacy, wireless systems security, and applied cryptography. He was a recipient of the 2018 IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (early Career Researcher) and the 2016 IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award. He was a co-recipient of eight best paper and best student paper awards from prestigious conferences, including ICDCS and IEEE ICNP. His Ph.D. student was selected under Huawei's "Top Minds" Recruitment Program in 2021. He serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), and IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC).
Dr. Wang is currently the Director of the Wuhan University Networking Information System Security and Privacy (NIS&P) Lab, where he work with the most brilliant students and colleagues to build smart algorithms that enable networking systems to have security and privacy guarantee, as well as to discover how to make the world safer and better.
Dr. Wang's H-index is 57, and the total citation has exceeded 24,000, according to Google Scholar (as of Oct. 2023).
AI Security, Data Storage, Search and Computation Outsourcing Security and Privacy, Wireless Systems Security, Big Data Security and Privacy, and Applied Cryptography etc.
ICICS'21 Best Paper Award, 2021
IJCAI-DCM'20 Best Paper Award, 2020
FL-IJCAI'20 Best Paper Award, 2020
IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (Early Career Researcher), 2018
National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, 2018
ACM SIGSAC China Rising Star Award, 2018
Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of Hubei Province, 2017
IEEE ICDCS'17 Best Student Paper Award, 2017
IEEE Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award, 2016
IEEE TrustCom'16 Best Paper Award, 2016
Top 100 Distinguished TPC Members of IEEE INFOCOM'16, 2016
Outstanding Contributions in Education Award, Wuhan University, 2016
Distinguished Professor of Hubei Province, China, 2015
Outstanding Innovative Talents Award of Wuhan University, 2015
Outstanding Individual of Student Education, Wuhan University, 2014
Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program, 2014
WAIM'14 Best Paper Award, 2014
Leading Talents of Longcheng Excellence Program, Changzhou, China, 2013
National "1000 Young Talents Program" of China, 2013
IEEE ICNP'11 Best Paper Award, 2011
Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC) (since 2023).
Technical Program Committee Member for USENIX Sec.'24, NDSS'24, CCS'22'23, ICDCS'23, TheWebConf'23 (WWW'23), AAAI'22, NDSS'22 etc.
IEEE Fellow for contributions to secure cloud data storage and wireless system security.
Editorial Board Member for 电子学报 (Chinese Journal of Electronics) (since 2022).
Associate Dean of School of Cyber Science and Engineering.
Associate Dean of Cyber Space Security Research Institute at Wuhan University.
ACM Member, IEEE Member.
Associate Editor for IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ) (since 2018).
Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (T-DSC) (since 2017).
Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (T-IFS) (since 2016).
Area Editor for KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (since 2017).
Associate Editor for Frontiers of Computer Science (since 2012).
Lead Co-chair for IEEE Globecom 2019 symposium "Communication & Information Systems Security"
Publicity Chair for CANS'17
Publicity Chair for IEEE IPCCC'15
Program Vice Chair and Track Co-Chair of "Security and Trustworthy Computing" for ICPADS'16
Technical Program Committee Member for IEEE INFOCOM'14'16'17, IEEE ICDCS'16, ACM AsiaCCS'16, SecureComm'16, IEEE ICCCN'15'16, IEEE ICPADS'15, IEEE ICPP'15, IEEE HPCC'14, IEEE ICCC'14, IEEE TrustCom'15'16, IEEE Globecom'12'13'14'15, MILCOM'12'13'14'15, WASA'13'14 and IEEE WCNC'13'14 etc.
Reviewer for ACM Computing Surveys, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, IEEE Network, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics etc.