Our research in Network Information System Security & Privacy (NIS&P) Lab focuses on three branches of security research: cloud computing security, wireless system security, and big data and artificial intelligence (AI) security. In all fields, we are intrigued by  security and privacy problems that underlie various information systems and motivate us to search for practical and meaningful solutions for the physical world.

In cloud security, we aspire to provide secure and privacy-assured data service outsourcing that is usable, scalable, and meets performance goals, through: privacy-preserving and effective search over a large-scale of encrypted data files, privacy-preserving secure cloud storage auditing with strong guarantees of storage correctness, and  privacy-preserving and secure outsourcing computations over various engineering problems in large scale.

In wireless system security, our curiosity leads us to address the challenge of establishing robust and secure communication channels by leveraging physical layer (PHY) characteristics and technqiues. In particular, we are intrigued by emerging short-range communication technologies over smart devices, and propose to conduct a joint performance and security design for off-the-shelf smartphones, which considers and integrates advanced techniques from various dimensions. Our ultimate goal is to significantly advance the state-of-the-art and develop innovative and sophisticated security and defense strategies.

In big data and AI security, we are highly motivated to investigate privacy-preserving mechanisms for transformation, utilization and applications in the big data domain. Our main focus is on privacy-preserving machine learning and especially deep learning scheme designs, targeting at providing security solutions for data training, data classification and feature extraction phases etc. In addition, we are also interested in investigating and designing various sophisticated attacks on the existing AI systems, such as face recognition, voice recognition, and automatic driving systems etc. Our research is a multi-disciplinary research effort that optimizes and enhances the state-of-the-art solutions by leveraging various advanced cryptographic tools, differential privacy, machine/deep learning, signal processing techniques.


NIS&P Lab looks for highly motivated students to join exciting research projects on Information Security and Privacy! If you are interested in research, please come to visit our lab and join us to have a great time.

Research Highlights

Search over Ciphertexts
Secure Outsourced Computation
Color Barcode Streaming
Gait Identification
Differential Privacy

News and Events

Mar. 2025 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Mar. 2025 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Jan. 2025 
NIS&P lab got two papers accepted by USENIX Security 2025!
Dec. 2024 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences!
Dec. 2024 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Nov. 2024 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by 软件学报 (Journal of Software)!
Oct. 2024 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by NDSS 2025!
Oct. 2024 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Sep. 2024 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by NeurIPS 2024!
May. 2024 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM CCS 2024!
Apr. 2024 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM CCS 2024!
Apr. 2024 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine!
Feb. 2024 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE CVPR 2024!
Feb. 2024 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TMC!
Feb. 2024 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by USENIX Security 2024!
Jan. 2024 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Dec. 2023 
Dr. Qian Wang is elected as the Chair of ACM SIGSAC China, with a five-year term!
Dec. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Oct. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TMC!
Oct. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by NDSS 2024!
Oct. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by USENIX Security 2024!
Oct. 2023 
Dr. Xueluan Gong with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor is honored with Special Prize of Academic Innovation Scholarship, and Ph.D. student Peipei Jiang with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor is honored with First Class of Academic Innovation Award! Congratulations!
Oct. 2023 
Dr. Xueluan Gong received the 2021 ACM SIGSAC China Doctoral Dissertation Award! Congratulations!
Sep. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by NDSS 2024!
Sep. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by NeurIPS 2023!
Sep. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Aug. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ICCV 2023!
Jul. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ECAI 2023!
Jul. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM Computing Surveys!
Jul. 2023 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to join the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC) Editorial Board and serve as an Associate Editor!
Jul. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Jun. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Jun. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Apr. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IJCAI 2023!
Apr. 2023 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of USENIX Security 2024!
Apr. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by USENIX Security 2023!
Apr. 2023 
NIS&P lab got two papers accepted by ACM SIGIR 2023!
Mar. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Mar. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by Chinese Journal of Electronics 2023!
Mar. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE S&P 2023!
Feb. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE CVPR 2023!
Feb. 2023 
NIS&P lab got two papers accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine!
Feb. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE ICASSP 2023!
Jan. 2023 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by TheWebConf 2023 (WWW 2023)!
Jan. 2023 
NIS&P lab got two papers accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Dec. 2022 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by 电子学报 (Chinese Journal of Electronics)!
Dec. 2022 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of ACM CCS 2023!
Dec. 2022 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by NSDI 2023!
Dec. 2022 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Nov. 2022 
Dr. Qian Wang is named an IEEE Fellow for contributions to secure cloud data storage and wireless system security!
Oct. 2022 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of ICDCS 2023!
Sep. 2022 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of TheWebConf 2023 (WWW 2023)!
Aug. 2022 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Aug. 2022 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to join the 电子学报 (Chinese Journal of Electronics) Editorial Board!
Aug. 2022 
Master student Dan Liu with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor has accepted a position at State Taxation Administration of The People's Republic of China! Congratulations!
Jul. 2022 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Jul. 2022 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ESORICS 2022!
Jul. 2022 
Dr. Lingchen Zhao has accepted a position as Associate Professor of School of Cyber Science and Engineering at Wuhan University (WHU)! Congratulations!
Apr. 2022 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IJCAI 2022!
Mar. 2022 
NIS&P lab got two papers accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Mar. 2022 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine!
Mar. 2022 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM CCS 2022!
Mar. 2022 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE ICME 2022!
Feb. 2022 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Feb. 2022 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Dec. 2021 
Ph.D. student Xueluan Gong with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor is awarded “Top Ten Academic Stars” of Wuhan University! Congratulations!
Dec. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by NDSS 2022!
Dec. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Dec. 2021 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of ACM CCS 2022!
Dec. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Dec. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM/IEEE ICSE 2022!
Nov. 2021 
Our paper won the Best Paper Award (最佳论文奖) in ICICS 2021! Congratulations!
Oct. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by Proceedings of the IEEE!
Sep. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by USENIX Security 2022!
Sep. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM CCS 2021!
Sep. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE/ACM ToN!
Sep. 2021 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of AAAI 2022!
Nov. 2021 
Dr. Man Zhou has accepted a position as Associate Professor of School of Cyber Science and Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)! Congratulations!
Nov. 2021 
Dr. Minghui Li has accepted a position as Lecturer of School of Software Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)! Congratulations!
Aug. 2021 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of NDSS 2022!
Aug. 2021 
Ph.D. student Man Zhou with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor is selected under Huawei's “Top Minds” recruitment program (华为“天才少年”计划)! Congratulations!
Jul. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM MM 2021!
Jul. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Jun. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
May. 2021 
Man Zhou, Lingchen Zhao, and Minghui Li successfully defended their doctoral thesis. Baolin Zheng, Dian Chen, and Jianlin Jiang successfully defended their master's thesis! Congratulations!
May. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Network!
May. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
May. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ICML 2021!
May. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
May. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE JSAC!
May. 2021 
Apr. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IJCAI 2021!
Apr. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IJCAI SURVEY 2021!
Apr. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM SIGIR 2021!
Mar. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TPDS!
Jan. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by 通信学报 (Journal on Communications)!
Jan. 2021 
Jan. 2021 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by DASFAA 2021!
Jan. 2021 
Our paper won the Best Paper Award (最佳论文奖) in IJCAI-DCM 2020! Congratulations!
Dec. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TPDS!
Dec. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Oct. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IJCAI-DCM 2020!
Oct. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine!
Oct. 2020 
NIS&P lab got two papers accepted by IEEE TMC!
Oct. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TPDS!
Oct. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Sep. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TKDE!
Sep. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Aug. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Network!
Jul. 2020 
Our paper won the Best Paper Award (最佳论文奖) in FL-IJCAI 2020! Congratulations!
Jun. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by FL-IJCAI 2020!
May. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM Computing Surveys!
Apr. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM MobiHoc 2020!
Apr. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TWC!
Mar. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Mar. 2020 
NIS&P lab got two papers accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Mar. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE JSAC!
Mar. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE ICDCS 2020!
Mar. 2020 
Our paper ranks #49 in Top-100 Security Papers from 1981 to 2019!
Feb. 2020 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Network!
Feb. 2020 
NIS&P lab got two papers accepted by IEEE TMC!
Dec. 2019 
NIS&P lab got four papers accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2020!
Dec. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by Science China Technological Sciences!
Dec. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TMC!
Dec. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by AAAI 2020!
Dec. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TVT!
Nov. 2019 
Dr. Shengshan Hu has accepted a position as Associate Professor of School of Cyber Science and Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)! Congratulations!
Nov. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Nov. 2019 
Master student Xiu Lin and undergraduate students Yuke Hu, Ningping Mou, Yuqi Tan, Zheng Zhang with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor won the National Scholarship! Congratulations!
Nov. 2019 
Ph.D. student Man Zhou with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor is honored with First Class of Academic Innovation Scholarship! Congratulations!
Nov. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE DCS 2019!
Oct. 2019 
Oct. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by Proceedings of the IEEE!
Sep. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM CCS 2019!
Sep. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Aug. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Aug. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Jul. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE ICCV 2019!
Jul. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TMM!
Jul. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Jun. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
May. 2019 
Dr. Shengshan Hu has successfully defended his doctoral thesis on "Outsourced Machine Learning with Privacy Protection". Congratulations!
Apr. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine!
Apr. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM CCS 2019!
Mar. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine!
Mar. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Feb. 2019 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE/ACM ToN!
Dec. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications!
Dec. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM TOIS!
Nov. 2018 
NIS&P lab got four papers accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2019!
Nov. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Oct. 2018 
Dr. Qian Wang receives 2018 IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (Early Career Researcher) (IEEE TCSC青年科学家奖)!
Oct. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIP!
Oct. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine!
Oct. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TMC!
Oct. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TWC!
Aug. 2018 
Dr. Qian Wang is awarded the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars (国家优秀青年科学基金)!
Aug. 2018 
Master students Minxin Du, Minghui Li and undergraduate student Peipei Jiang with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor won the Scholarship of Cyber Security (网络安全奖学金)! Congratulations!
Jul. 2018 
NIS&P lab got two papers accepted by IEEE TMC!
Jul. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM CCS 2018!
Jun. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
May. 2018 
Master student Minghui Li with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor is honored with Best-in-Session Presentation Award of IEEE INFOCOM 2018! Congratulations!
May. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TMC!
May. 2018 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to join the IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ) Editorial Board and serve as an Associate Editor!
Mar. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE ICDCS 2018!
Mar. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Network!
Mar. 2018 
Dr. Qian Wang is awarded the ACM SIGSAC China 新星奖 (Rising Star Award)!
Mar. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TKDE!
Mar. 2018 
NIS&P lab got two papers accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Jan. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TPDS!
Jan. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TMC!
Jan. 2018 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TKDE!
Dec. 2017 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve as the Lead Co-chair for IEEE Globecom 2019 symposium "Communication & Information Systems Security"!
Dec. 2017 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences!
Nov. 2017 
NIS&P lab got six papers accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2018!
Nov. 2017 
Master student Lihao Ni with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor is honored with Second Class of Academic Innovation Scholarship! Congratulations!
Nov. 2017 
Master students Man Zhou, Minghui Li, Lihao Ni and Jingxiao Yang with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor are honored with First Prize of 2017 China Graduate Contest on Application, Design and Innovation of Mobile-Terminal! Congratulations!
Oct. 2017 
Master students Minxin Du, Minghui Li, Man Zhou, Tao Lei and undergraduate students Mingxue Zhang, Peipei Jiang with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor won the National Scholarship! Congratulations!
Oct. 2017 
Undergraduate student Feng Xiao with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor won the Jun Lei Scholarship! Congratulations!
Oct. 2017 
Undergraduate student Feng Xiao with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor recieved the Travel Grant Award for ACM MobiCom 2017! Congratulations!
Sept. 2017 
Dr. Zhibo Wang received the Rising Star Award of ACM Wuhan&HBCS!
Sept. 2017 
Undergraduate students Yijie Li, Bonan Jin, and Xiaoyi Pang with Dr. Zhibo Wang as the supervisor are honored with First Prize of 2017 TIIC National Undergraduate IOT Design Contest! Congratulations!
Sept. 2017 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Sept. 2017 
“网络信息系统安全与隐私实验室(NISP&P Lab)”入选2015-2016年度“湖北省青年文明号”!
Jul. 2017 
The results of our ICDCS 2017 paper are covered by worldwide medias including CBS NEWS, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, and THE CONVERSATION etc.
Jul. 2017 
Jul. 2017 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Jul. 2017 
Dr. Qian Wang delivered an Invited Talk, titled "Graph Encryption for Exact Shortest Distance Queries" at IEEE DSC 2017!
Jun. 2017 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by Ad Hoc Networks!
Jun. 2017 
Dr. Qian Wang is awarded the Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of Hubei Province in 2017 (湖北省杰出青年基金)!
Jun. 2017 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to join the IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) Editorial Board and serve as an Associate Editor!
Jun. 2017 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Jun. 2017 
Our paper won the Best Student Paper Award in IEEE ICDCS 2017! Congratulations!
Apr. 2017 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS!
Apr. 2017 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM MobiHoc 2017!
Mar. 2017 
Dr. Qian Wang is appointed as an Area Editor for TIIS Journal
Mar. 2017 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TC!
Mar. 2017 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE ICDCS 2017!
Jan. 2017 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Network!
Jan. 2017 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by FC 2017!
Nov. 2016 
NIS&P lab got two papers accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2017!
Nov. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by Computer Networks!
Nov. 2016 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to join the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS) Editorial Board and serve as an Associate Editor!
Oct. 2016 
Ph.D. student Shengshan Hu and Master students Yan Zhang, Man Zhou and Lihao Ni with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor won the National Scholarship! Congratulations!
Oct. 2016 
Master students Man Zhou, Tao Lei, Minxin Du and Minghui Li with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor are honored with First Prize of 2016 China Graduate Contest on Application, Design and Innovation of Mobile-Terminal! Congratulations!
Oct. 2016 
Master students Zheng Zhang, Lihao Ni, Tao Lei and Man Zhou with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor are honored with Second Prize of 2016 China Graduate Contest on Application, Design and Innovation of Mobile-Terminal! Congratulations!
Oct. 2016 
Ph.D. student Shengshan Hu with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor is honored with Second Class of Academic Innovation Scholarship! Congratulations!
Oct. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TMM!
Oct. 2016 
Dr. Qian Wang receives 2016 IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award!
Sept. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE JSAC!
Sept. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TMC!
Sept. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE ICPADS 2016!
Aug. 2016 
Ph.D. student Shengshan Hu with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor won the Best Paper Award in IEEE TrustCom 2016! Congratulations!
Aug. 2016 
Undergraduates Siyan Zheng, Xiu Lin, Yan Qi and Shuangke Wu with Dr. Qin Zou and Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor and co-supervisor are honored with First Prize of 2016 National Undergraduate Information Security Contest! Congratulations!
Aug. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by SecureComm 2016!
Jul. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Jul. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TDSC!
Jun. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TrustCom 2016!
Jun. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM MobiCom 2016!
May. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by JPDC!
May. 2016 
王骞教授被任命为武汉大学软件工程国家重点实验室主任助理 (Director Assistant of State Key Lab of Software Engineering)
May. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TIP!
Apr. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by Information Sciences!
Mar. 2016 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of IEEE INFOCOM 2017!
Mar. 2016 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of Milcom 2016 Track 3 - Cyber Security and Trusted Computing!
Mar. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE ICDCS 2016!
Mar. 2016 
王骞教授被任命为武汉大学网络空间信息安全研究院副院长 (Associate Dean of Cyber Space Security Research Institue)
Mar. 2016 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve as the Session Chair for the session "Jamming" in IEEE INFOCOM 2016!
Mar. 2016 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve on“全国高校物联网应用创新大赛”专家委员会and“物联网科普专家工作组”!
Mar. 2016 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve as Program Vice Chair and the Co-Chair of track “Security and Trustworthy Computing” for ICPADS 2016!
Feb. 2016 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM AsiaCCS 2016!
Feb. 2016 
Dr. Qian Wang is awarded as one of the 100 Distinguished TPC Members of IEEE INFOCOM 2016!
Jan. 2016 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of ACM SecureComm 2016!
Dec. 2015 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE ICASSP 2016!
Dec. 2015 
Undergraduate Man Zhou with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor is honored with "Fu Rong Xue Zi" Excellent Student Award in Wuhan University! Congratulations!
Dec. 2015 
Undergraduate Tao Lei with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor is honored with"Liu Daoyu" Innovative Learning Award! Congratulations!
Dec. 2015 
Undergraduate Chenbo Xia with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor won the National Scholarship! Congratulations!
Dec. 2015 
Undergraduates Man Zhou ,Guancheng Li, Yushan Zheng, Xiaobing Chen and Lihao Ni with Dr. Qian Wang and Dr. Qin Zou as the supervisor and co-supervisor won the First/Second/Third Class Scholarship! Congratulations!
Nov. 2015 
NIS&P lab got two papers accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2016!
Sept. 2015 
Undergraduates Man Zhou, Lihao Ni, Tao Lei, Zheng Zhang with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor are honored with First Prize in 2015 National TIIC Undergraduate IOT Design Contest! Congratulations!
Sept. 2015 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of IEEE ICDCS 2016!
Sept. 2015 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TSC!
Sept. 2015 
The CPC Party Secretary of Wuhan University Han Jin visited NIS&P lab!
Aug. 2015 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters!
Aug. 2015 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TVT!
Aug. 2015 
Undergraduates Tao Lei, Zheng Zhang, Lihao Ni, Man Zhou with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor are honored with Grand Prize in Central and Southwestern China Division in 2015 National Undergraduate IOT Design Contest! Congratulations!
Aug. 2015 
Undergraduates Man Zhou, Jikun Li, Tao Lei, Lihao Ni with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor are honored with First Prize in Central and Southwestern China Division in 2015 National Undergraduate IOT Design Contest! Congratulations!
Aug. 2015 
Undergraduates Man Zhou, Jikun Li, Tao Lei with Dr. Qian Wang as the supervisor are honored with Second Prize of 2015 National Undergraduate Information Security Contest! Congratulations!
Jul. 2015 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ACM CCS 2015!
Jul. 2015 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by ESORICS 2015!
Jul. 2015 
NIS&P lab is honored with “Youth Civilization Unit of HuBei Province”!
Jun. 2015 
NIS&P lab held Networking and Security Summit (NaSS) 2015 in School of Computer Science!
Jun. 2015 
Undergraduate Guancheng Li receives Google Excellence Scholarship 2015!
Jun. 2015 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve on the program committee of ACM AsiaCCS 2016.
Apr. 2015 
Dr. Qian Wang is invited to serve as Publicity Chair and serve on TPC of IPCCC 2016.
Mar. 2015 
Dr. Qian Wang and Dr. Zhibo Wang are invited to serve on IEEE INFOCOM 2016 TPC!
Mar. 2015 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE ICDCS 2015!
Mar. 2015 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TMC!
Jul. 2014 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE TMC!
Jul. 2014 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE ICNP 2014!
Jun. 2014 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications!
Mar. 2013 
NIS&P lab got one paper accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications!

Press Coverage